There are so many people in the world who have a special talent, something that they either worked hard to become great at,or a talent that they were naturally great at. But often times they may find themselves in a situation where they feel they may not be good enough, or they may compare themselves to others who may be in the same field. There may also be a time when they are asked to lower their worth to accommodate someone else's, something in which you should never do--i mean why would you want to?
Knowing your worth, means knowing what value you bring to the table, and knowing what your ultimate role is. To know that you have a skill that another may not have, or that you have a different style of, should be enough to give you a boost of confidence. There will always be people out there who want to and will support what you do--and on the other side, there will always be someone or some people who won't. What you should should always remember is what your own value is and never rely on others to tell you what your value is, I mean--how could a person who has never done your skill be able to let you know what you are worth? They can't. They don't know or understand how much time you may have invested in doing what you do. No matter what your skill may be, there is a difference between someone devaluing your work— and someone who is giving honest constructive criticism.
Everyday, look yourself in the mirror, and tell yourself 3 affirmations that will remind you of the amazing talent and skill that you have. Look at all of your past work, and remember the passion you had while creating it. It’s all about believing in yourself and giving yourself enough credit—remind yourself of why you started, what keeps you going, and how you are going to keep building the foundation and giving yourself the proper tools to keep you going.
Don’t ever let someone else burn out your passion or drive.
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